A Breviary Of Alchemy Philalethes Eirenaeus
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A Brief Answer Of Josephus Quercetanus Du Chesne
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A Choice Collection Of Rare Secrets Digby
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A Chymical Dictionary J F
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A Discourse Upon Chyrurgery Fioravanti
PDF – 25,6 MB
A Hermeticall Banquet Howell
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A Hundred And Fourteen Experiments Paracelsus
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A Joyfull Jewell Fioravanti
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A New Light Of Alchymy Sendivogius
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A New Method Of Physick Partlicius
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A New Method Of Rosie Crucian Physick Heydon
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A Revelation Of The Secret Spirit Agnello
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A Tractate Of The Universal Panacaea Park
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PDF – 2,4 MB
An Appendix To The Unlearned Alchimist Kendall
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An Exact Collection Fioravanti
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An Excellent Treatise Nostradamus
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An Excellent Treatise Paracelsus
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An Exposition Upon Sir George Ripleys Epistle Philalethes Ei
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Annus Sophiae Jubilaeus Anon
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Aphorismi Urbigerani Urbigerus
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Arcana Philosophia Headrich
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Astrological Practice Of Physick Blagrave
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Aurifontina Chymica Houpreght
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Brotherhood Of Light Doctrine Of Spiritual Alchemy
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Cabala Mineralis Manuscript Book 1
PDF – 7,1 MB
Cabala Mineralis Manuscript Book 2
PDF – 1,5 MB
Centrum Naturae Concentratum Ali Puli
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Choice And Experimented Receipts Digby
PDF – 4,7 MB
Chymical Medicinal And Chyrurgical Adresses Anon
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Collectanea Chymica Philalethes Eirenaeus
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Culpepers School Of Physick Culpeper
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Elhavarevna Or The English Physitians Tutor Heydon
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Fasciculus Chemicus Dee Arthur
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Five Treatises Of The Philosophers Stone Afonso V King Of Po
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George Starkeys Pill Vindicated Starkey
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Hermes Trismegistus Aclepius
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Hermes Trismegistus The Divine Pymander Of Hermes Mercurius
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Hermetical Physick Nolle
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His Discovery Of The Miracles Bacon Roger
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James I King Of England Daemonologie In Forme Of A Dialogue
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Last Will And Testament Valentine
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Liquor Alchahest Starkey
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Magnalia Naturae Or The Philosophers Stone Becher
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Metallographia Webster
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Nicholas Flammel His Exposition Flamel
PDF – 11,0 MB
Of Natural And Supernatural Things Valentine
PDF – 7,8 MB
Of The Nature Of Things Paracelsus
PDF – 11,1 MB
One Hundred Fifty Three Chymical Aphorisms Helmont
PDF – 2,0 MB
Otto Tachenius His Clavis Tachenius
PDF – 7,0 MB
Otto Tachenius His Hippocrates Chymicus Tachenius
PDF – 13,2 MB
Paracelsus His Archidoxis Paracelsus
PDF – 15,1 MB
Paracelsus His Aurora Paracelsus
PDF – 9,8 MB
Paracelsus His Dispensatory Paracelsus
PDF – 11,3 MB
Paracelsus Of The Chymical Transmutation Paracelsus
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Paracelsus Of The Supreme Mysteries Paracelsus
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Paracelsus Medicina Diastatica Or Sympatheticall
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Paracelsus Paracelsvs Of The Supreme Mysteries
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Philadelphia Philoctetes Eyreneus
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Philosophers Magical Gold Thor
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Philosophia Maturata Coelson
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Philosophical Furnaces Glauber
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Sal Lumen Spiritus Mundi Philosophici Nuisement
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Sanguis Naturae Nollius
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Secrets Of The Adepts Weidenfeld
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The Alchymists Enchiridion Penot
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The Art Of Distillation French
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The Book Of Secrets Albertus Magnus Saint
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The Compound Of Alchymy Ripley
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The Cure Of Old Age And Preservation Of Youth Bacon
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The Curious Distillatory Elsholtz
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The Excellent Virtues And Uses Anon
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The Family Physician Harvey
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The First Part Of The Key Of Philosophy Paracelsus
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The Golden Age Or The Reign Of Saturn Hortolanus Junior
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The Golden Calf Helvetius
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The Marrow Of Alchemy Philalethes Eirenaeus
PDF – 15,0 MB
The Mirror Of Alchimy Bacon Roger
PDF – 5,3 MB
The Philosophical Epitaph Of WC Cooper
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The Practise Of Chymicall And Hermeticall Physick Du Chesne
PDF – 21,2 MB
The Secret Of The Immortal Liquor Philalethes Eirenaeus
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The Secrets Of Antimony Van Suchten
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The Tillage Of Light Scot Patrick
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The Tomb Of Semiramis Hermetically Sealed H V D
PDF – 2,1 MB
The Wisemans Crown Heydon
PDF – 10,6 MB
The Works Of Geber Jabir
PDF – 14,1 MB
Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum Vaughan Robert
PDF – 16,9 MB
Three Exact Pieces Fioravanti
PDF – 18,7 MB
Three Tracts Of The Great Medicine Philalethes Eirenaeus
PDF – 13,7 MB
Trumphant Chariot Of Antimony Valentine
PDF – 7,6 MB
Turner Robert Ars Notoria The Notory Art Of Solomon
PDF – 4,8 MB
Two Books Of Physick Prevost
PDF – 16,7 MB